MirrorMoon EP – Review


You start the game off in a space capsule and are put to the task of doing something. What that somethings is, you will have to discover.  Many buttons and screens are laid out in front of you and you must figure out what you are supposed to do and how you are supposed to do this.  In other words, just hit ever red button or switch until something happens.  This is a common theme in MirrorMoon EP.  There is very little instruction throughout the game.  You are left to your own wit, which may be liked by some, but hated by others.

Launch Trailer:

So, once you have finally figured out the correct buttons to push and switches to pull, you are beamed onto a red planet.  Once again, with little instructions.  You are told to walk around with WASD.  While exploring the planet, you will find some structures and also some items that attach to the gun that you are holding.  These items will help you along your journey around the planets.  There is text that will appear telling you what each items can do and how to control it.  You may start to think, “Great, I can rotate a small pyramid and make a beam of light.  What good does this do?”  But, things will change once you see the object in the sky.

You look up and see what looks to be another planet.  It is actually the moon of the current planet you are on.  After the astonishment of something exciting happening wears off, you try the rotation or light beam again.  This time something different happens.  When you rotate the pyramid at the end of the gun, you also rotate the moon.  The light beam that emits from your gun goes out to the moon and puts a marker on it.  But wait, that moon’s objects and terrain looks oddly familiar.  Well that’s because it is an exact replica, or mirror, of the current planet you are on.  Putting a marker on the moon will put a marker on the planet.  This can be used to help guide yourself to the various structures.  Rotating the moon will allow you to see what is elsewhere on the planet.  You will eventually also be able to move the moon out of the way of the Sun to let light reach the planet.

From there on out you will go to various planets and solve the puzzles on them.  Some are extremely easy, while others may take some hard thought to complete.  To complete a planet, you need to find the orb.  This orb is what will send you back to your ship.  This is also when you will get the opportunity to name the planet that you have just conquered.  And that is all there is to the gameplay aspect of MirrorMoon EP.  The game is certainly not easy.  You will sometimes just be walking around the planet for ages wondering what task the planet has for you.  This can often get very frustrating and annoying since the game does not tell you what to do.

The graphics and audio in this game are quite wonderful.  the simplistic graphics in the game create a very nice art style that is great to look at for a long time.  It is nice to have a wonderful view when you are stumbling along aimlessly, wondering what in the world you have to do.  The audio is MirrorMoon EP is also a great mix with the gameplay.  The soothing music may help to calm your frustrations down a bit.

MirrorMoon EP also has a multiplayer element to it.  You can go online and visit planets found by other players.  If you are lucky enough to find a planet first, you can name it whatever you want and it will be shared with everyone else.

Overall, I believe MirrorMoon EP is a great game.  However, it is not for everyone. People who like a linear structure to a game or like being told what to do, will probably not enjoy this game very much.  People who like exploring and thinking through puzzles will find the game very enjoyable.  If you don’t mind getting frustrated with the difficulty of puzzles in other games, then MirrorMoon EP should be a top choice to pick up on your next game purchase.

Score: 9/10

Game Website: http://www.mirrormoongame.com/                                                Platforms:  Windows, Mac, Linux (Ouya release soon.)                                                         Developer: Santa Ragione                                                                                Publisher: Santa Ragione                                                                                                    Singleplayer: Yes                                                                                                                       Multiplayer: Yes


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